Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ad Agency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ad Agency - Assignment Example The company experienced high download rates within days after the release of the advertisement. In my own view, it was an excellent program since the customers had the ability to control different aspects of the songs including the volumes, and rhythm. I believe it was a success. Question three: Do you think electronic promotions will eventually overtake traditional marketing like TV, print, etc.? Why or why not? Please use a reasoned approach to your answer. In other words, think of things we have talked about in class throughout the semester and use those concepts to justify your answer. This isnt to be just your opinion but an informed prediction. Answer: Yes, I believe that electronic promotions will eventually overcome traditional marketing such as print and televisions. Social changes such as increase in computer literate consumers and high access to the internet will eventually shift the market to electronic markets. Electronic promotions such as use of You Tube and other social networking platforms overcomes the location barriers associated with traditional marketing channels like print. Many younger people spent more time on the internet whether during work or relaxing like playing online music and reading thus digital markets can reach a large market share of potential

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Econometrics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Econometrics - Assignment Example Q.2.Suppose the impact of institutions on growth differed between African countries and the rest of the world. First, comment on why the model in equation (1) cannot capture this effect. Second, write out a model which can allow for this differential African effect. Third, develop a test that would allow you to statistically discern if this effect is actually supported by the data. Yi is the impact of institution growth in a country i, Ri the protection against expropriation, Lati is the latitude country I (measured as the distance from the equator, and scaled to lie between 0 and 1), D Africa is a dummy for country i is in Africa and D Other i is a dummy capturing if country I is in any other and continent ÃŽ ² as the observations made. From table 1, the dummy for Asia is –0.62 and the dummy for Africa is -1.00. This indicates that African countries have little protection against expropriation. The values are natural logarithms of the stated values over a given base sample. Inverses of the natural logs give 0.5379 for Asia and 0.3679 for Africa. The difference is thus 0.1700. This is also equal to 32.1% growth difference. By measuring latitude as a raw number, the effect of climate on performance would not be as precise as it is when measured from the equator, which is the central latitude and the correlation between distance from the equator and economic performance would be known, but with extremes. This changes the coefficient of the index of institutions growth. The estimates would increase, errors would increase as well and the regression, now based on raw numbers for latitudes would significantly reduce. The ordinary least squares are used in testing the heteroskedasticity. The first step is to make OLS estimates, and the residuals saved in exponents squared. Then the squared exponents are regressed on all the variables and their squares. Then obtain R2. If nR2 is too large, the null hypothesis Ho is rejected. The auxiliary model can be seen as